Sunday, November 25, 2012

I hate to say it, but I think this organza has the better of me. I finished basting last night, andi have been struggling all day with the organza markings. It just slips around when I try to measure and mark. A line that was perfectly straight turns all wiggly, and lines that were perpendicular to each other somehow change their angles. I eventually gained a lengthwise grain line and a crosswise grain at the knee, but I am having no luck with making the crotch line because I can't get the other two to hold still for two seconds. So I'm moving on to pinning and hoping for better results down the road. Grrrr.... I have plenty of pictures of my troubles, but can't upload them from my iPad. Update the next morning: I redid the organza a third time. So, in the video it looked like Kenneth ripped the selvage before he measured up from the bottom. I read the notes and he says DO NOT rip the selvage. I still had a hard time getting the upper cross grain, but it seems to be better now. Also, my cross grains were not perpendicular to the lengthwise grain when transferred to the back. Again, Kenneth addresses this in the notes and says that you should adjust to make them perpendicular; it is a common problem with mass produced items. Now I need to finish transferring lines to my organza so that my jeans will be back in commission before the week starts! Wish me luck!

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